how the world works

this song starts out as a parody of children's entertainment, and it's actually pretty good. burnham has a good grasp of how these things are written, and the little 'the world only works when everybody (pause) works together' line has good syllabic weight. He obviously gets into that insipid tumblr socialism thing again, the kind that is made for fourteen year olds to take screenshots of and go SO TRUEEEEEEE asdkfjsliej to, but amount of effort robert put into the sock puppet's mannerisms is impressive enough that I can push past it. I might be giving away the endgame of the review here, but my broad issue with Burnham is that, while he consistently shows talent, you always have to take that with a pound of salt. Here, the pound of salt is Socko using the word 'pedagogically' for some reason, a, how-do-I-make-my-essay-seem-smarter word that isn't impressing anyone.

