Well, here we go. Inside came out sometime over the summer*, and everybody I know saw it. The people who hated it were the cool, Leonard Dembo-listening, Gravity's Rainbow-reading, amphetamine-addicted web devs I message with online, and the people who liked it were my dad, so I decided that I also hated Inside.
Content, the first song, is exactly what you can expect from Bo Burnham: Fun visuals playing over lyrics that are never really as clever as he thinks they are. Writing lines that both match the meter and tone of a song and function as jokes is hard, and most of Bo's land with a thud. This special's best jokes are visual gags--the sock puppet, sticking the water bottle into his belly button. Bo Burnham's always had an eye for visuals, and he's in top form here. If only it sounded as good as it looks.
*not going to look up when. I'm on my computer right now but I'm not going to do it.